Taproot Law, PLLC


Estate Planning

Estate Planning

Education & Strategy

1-on-1 Private Session with Erica

1/2 hour session with Erica; up to 2 participants; includes preparation activity


Meet to learn about an aspect of estate planning. All workshops are free and locations vary throughout the UP. 

Small Groups

Used for a more intimate setting for a workshop or a work session to work on completing a legal project in a hands-on way. 

$100 by phone

$175 in person


Free unless included in package

Estate Planning

Legal Documents

Will-based Documents

Will, healthcare power of attorney, durable financial power of attorney

Trust-Based Documents

Meet to learn about an aspect of estate planning. All workshops are free and locations vary throughout the UP. 

Just Powers of Attorney

Used for a more intimate setting for a workshop or a work session to work on completing a legal project in a hands-on way. 

$400 for one person

$750 for two people

$850 for one person

$1200 for two people

$250 for one person

$400 for two people

Just a Will

Will with custom language

Probate Avoidance Documents

Laydbird deed or deed to a trust, bill of sale, and written joint beneficiary designations

Just a Deed

Deed (usually ladybird or deed to a trust), property transfer affidavit

$250 for one person

$400 for two people

$350 for one person

$450 for two people

$250 for one deed

$400 for two deeds

Family Camp Trust or LLC

1/2 hour session with Erica; up to 2 participants; includes preparation activity


Real Estate

Real Estate

Education & Strategy

1-on-1 Private Session with Erica

1/2 hour session with Erica; up to 2 participants; includes preparation activity

Small Groups

Used for a more intimate setting for a workshop or a work session to work on completing a legal project in a hands-on way. 

$100 by phone

$175 in person

Free unless included in package

Real Estate

Legal Documents

Just a Deed

Deed (usually ladybird or deed to a trust), property transfer affidavit

Purchase Agreement

purchase agreement, disclosures


lease, disclosures, inventory

$250 for two deeds

$400 for two deeds



Land Contract

land contract, disclosures, property transfer affidavit


easement, property transfer affidavit

Lot-Line Adjustment

Up to 4 deeds to do a lot-line adjustment, property transfer affidavits




Basic Settlement Agreement

land contract, disclosures, property transfer affidavit

Basic Contract

Get your agreement in writing to better set boundaries and expectations between the parties. 

Basic Contract

Up to 4 deeds to do a lot-line adjustment, property transfer affidavits




Small Business

Small Business

Education & Strategy

1-on-1 Private Session with Erica

1/2 hour session with Erica; up to 2 participants; includes preparation activity

Small Groups

Used for a more intimate setting for a workshop or a work session to work on completing a legal project in a hands-on way. 

$100 by phone

$175 in person

Free unless included in package

Small Business

Legal Documents

Operating Agreement

operating agreement or bylaws for small business

Funding Business

One deed to business, bill of sale, assignments

Just Powers of Attorney

power of attorney (healthcare and durable financial)



$250 for one person

$400 for one person

Limited Power of Attorney

power of attorney for a limited purpose – like selling a house 

Basic Settlement Agreement

One deed to business, bill of sale, assignments

Basic Contract

power of attorney (healthcare and durable financial)




Just a deed

power of attorney for a limited purpose – like selling a house 

$250 one deed

After someone dies

Small Business

After someone dies

1-on-1 Private Session with Erica

1/2 hour session with Erica; up to 2 participants; includes preparation activity

$100 by phone

$175 in person


Estate planning workshops answer many questions about what happens after someone dies. Attend a free estate planning workshop for essential concepts about what happens to property after death.

Small Groups

Used for a more intimate setting for a workshop or a work session to work on completing a legal project in a hands-on way. Small groups are primarily available within paid packages. 

After Someone Dies

Legal documents with a small group

Informal Probate Administration Documents & Education with a Small Group

Preparation phone meeting with Erica (30 minutes); packet of probate court forms, ghost-written letters, and instructions; small-group meeting with Erica in person. Participants are equipped to start and administer the probate estate after the group session. Additional 1-on-1 sessions with Erica are available for purchase.

Trust Administration Documents & Education with a Small Group (uncontested)

Preparation phone meeting with Erica (30 minutes); packet of probate court forms, ghost-written letters, and instructions; small-group meeting with Erica in person; aftercare phone meeting with Erica (30 minutes); participants are equipped to start and administer the probate estate after the group session. Additional 1-on-1 sessions with Erica are available for purchase.

Just Powers of Attorney

power of attorney (healthcare and durable financial)



$250 for one person

$400 for one person

After Someone Dies

Legal Documents

Uncontested petition to open estate and appoint personal representative where there is none anticipated

Petition to open estate and appoint personal representative where there is no anticipated ; packet of probate court forms, ghost-written letters, and instructions.

Just a deed

deed, property transfer affidavit from the trust or estate out to the beneficiaries of the property



Caretaker Services

Caretaker Services

Education & Strategy

1-on-1 Private Session with Erica

1/2 hour session with Erica; up to 2 participants; includes preparation activity


Meet to learn about an aspect of caretaking. All workshops are free and locations vary throughout the UP. 

Small Groups

Used for a more intimate setting for a workshop or a work session to work on completing a legal project in a hands-on way. 

$100 by phone

$175 in person


Free unless included in package

Caretaker Services

Legal documents with a small group

Guardianship & Conservatorship Petitions with Small Group

Preparation phone meeting with Erica (30 minutes); packet of probate court forms, ghost-written letters, and instructions; small-group meeting with Erica in person. Participants are equipped to start and administer the probate estate after the group session. Additional 1-on-1 sessions with Erica are available for purchase.

Recordkeeping for Caretakers with Small Group 

Preparation phone meeting with Erica (30 minutes); packet of tools and forms, ghost-written letters, and instructions; small-group meeting to complete your accounting and get it to the right people; participants are provided preparation information equipped to start. Additional 1-on-1 sessions with Erica are available for purchase. 



Caretaker Services

Legal Documents

Uncontested petition to open estate and appoint personal representative where there is none anticipated

Petition to open estate and appoint personal representative where there is no anticipated ; packet of probate court forms, ghost-written letters, and instructions.

Just a deed

deed, property transfer affidavit from the trust or estate out to the beneficiaries of the property

Certificate of Trust for the Sale of Real Estate

deed, property transfer affidavit from the trust or estate out to the beneficiaries of the property


