Taproot Law, PLLC

Difficult Conversations during the Holidays

TLDR: Ann hasn’t quite figured it out herself, but she’s here with some helpful resources That’s right, we are approaching another year of holidays and we know that while the season can be filled with joy, love, and festivities, stress and anxiety can also run high. It’s also a time that families and friends might […]

Where real estate meets the legal system: Gamifying together to better understand client needs

A collaboration opportunity  Dickinson County realtor, Katie Cascioli, and I get together for dinner every few months. Since the beginning of time, she’s been my cousin-from-another-grandma. Our dads were besties, and we grew up together. As adults, we are friends and colleagues. We talk about everything from business to philosophy. No matter where the conversation […]

Team member spotlight: Dawn Payne with a new perspective on coaching

Coaching: An eye-opening experience Just as I was deciding to come out of retirement from my nursing career, my daughter was looking for some extra help in her reception department, so I joined Taproot – and yes, I’m Erica’s mom.  As part of my onboarding, I had the opportunity to observe a coaching session with […]

Your Questions Answered: Suing a sibling-personal representative for information

We love getting your questions! After Erica’s last blog post “The power struggle between siblings in probate is real,” we received the following question. We hope Erica’s response helps readers who have similar questions!   Dear Erica,  My dad passed away and my sister is the personal representative. The probate is opened, but she won’t give […]

The power struggle between siblings in probate is real

The stories of power struggle between siblings are too many to count. In 2023, the struggle continues to be played out in our probate courts and behind closed doors. The system needs vast revamping to better meet the needs and generally valid concerns of the siblings who are not Personal Representatives (PRs).  But to work […]

Your Questions Answered

In response to the blog article “The Truth about Free Initial Consultations”, we were asked: Erica, I read your blog article about free initial consultations where you noted that lawyers typically charge $205 to $350 per hour. How are the $205/hour lawyers compared to the $350/hour lawyers? Thanks, Just Asking   Dear Just Asking: Such a […]

Beyond Plain Language: Meeting the complex needs of our clients and their values through accessible communication and tools

Some history In the late 1970s, the “plain language” or “plain English” methodology of professional communication swept the legal profession as a social justice remedy to increase access to information about the law. The methodology stresses writing in plain English and with the intention of clearly communicating to a specific audience, so they immediately understand […]