Taproot Law, PLLC

How I’m Doing

While trimming flowers, an old friend walked by and stopped to ask how I was doing. He read my blog article from a few weeks ago, “The UP Tour kicks off with a visit home,” about my search for a healthier way to be a lawyer and the creation of Taproot. “It sounded kind of […]

The Truth about Free Initial Consultations

Free initial consultations can be tempting, especially when you think you’re getting free advice from an expert. Unfortunately, these kinds of consultations don’t usually turn out that way. The truth about the free initial consultation is that it is a tool that lawyers use to size up a potential client for a long-term relationship. The […]

The UP Tour kicks off with a visit home

Taproot recently sponsored the Bass Festival in Crystal Falls to start my UP Tour. This was a special way to kick off the tour because it started in my hometown. In addition to going to the Bassfest, I was also able to see familiar faces at my 20th high school reunion. I was welcomed home and got […]

Tech at Taproot: Sometimes it’s not all its cracked up to be

TLDR: Virtual receptionist companies are out for now! We adjusted our process based on feedback from our clients and as a result, Chrissandra Haara (Gladstone) is joining our team as Taproot’s receptionist! Is tech always a good thing? I’m interested in technology and how it will benefit the Taproot team and clients. So, when I […]


You’ve asked! We’re responding: This is what coaching is all about! Individual coaching sessions and short-term representation are the highlights of Taproot’s human-centered Coaching Services. We offer this service to people with concerns relating to: Easement/Access Dispute Litigation and Resolution Probate Estate Administration Here’s how it works! A client pays a flat-fee ($325) for a one-hour […]

Growing a Strengths-Based Team

We are back! Thank you for all of your questions about Taproot’s work culture! We love your curiosity and invite you to continue asking questions! We grow while contemplating your questions, and they keep this interactive. One prevailing question: If you already have a strong team, how do you add someone? When do you know […]

Becoming a Strengths-Based Team

While researching healthier ways to practice law, I came across the concept of strengths-based cultures and teams. It made sense and felt right! Strengths-based teams identify each member’s strengths and nutures the growth of those strengths to complete the goals of the team. This limits mistakes, decision fatique, increases confidence, and has other benefits. The […]

Value a human in dollars? No thanks. There is an alternative.

It makes me uncomfortable to set a person’s hourly or annual pay in traditional business structures. Paralegals, assistants, and business managers are teammates. Without someone performing those roles, I could not complete projects or make money. They help me where I am weak. This makes them equal players in my view. Of course, our economic […]

The future is human-centered

Thank you for following us! I’m excited to introduce you to my dream practice: Taproot Law. Our human-centered law practice is committed to accomplishing law-related goals in sustainable and innovative ways that promote wellness for clients and all members of the firm. Under this lens, we are developing an innovative firm culture. The design of […]